To make for a more cohesive follow up story, I decided to compile information and interviews about the "Heroes to Hometowns" program - a veteran's care and assistance program ran by the American Legion.
They basically take care of all the needs a wounded soldier from Iraq (this is one of the most important requirements to qualify for the H2H program) with everything they'll need to reestablish themselves into normal society.
Health care, housing, childcare, etc., are all a part of this amazing program.
I was lucky enough to speak with Sunny Farrand, the head of the San Diego American Legion "Heroes to Hometowns" department. What a story.
A decade ago, Farrand was homeless. Now he's the sole employee behind the H2H department in San Diego.
These are the kinds of stories I wanted to report. And I think I've got some pretty good stories to work with now for our project.